Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September Trip to Ryazan

Rev. Holley Faulkner and Rev. Greg Creasy just returned from a trip to Ryazan. While in Ryazan, they traveled to visit with and encourage local pastor's in their work for the Lord. They stopped in Korablina, Ryazhsk, Uklovo, Ryazan, Sasovo, Shatsk, and Kasimov...and in each location met with Pastor's and their families to talk about God's work among the people of Ryazan. We heard story after story of how God was moving in the lives of Christians in the Ryazan Oblast. One pastor shared of their church members meeting each morning for a time of prayer and Bible study...seeking God's direction in all that they do. One pastor shared about their ministry through a Rehab center that is housed in the basement of the church. They are meeting the needs of people in with addictions and leading them to Jesus Christ!

While there, we will also able to lead a workshop for pastors and lay leaders on the importance of ministry partnerships. We taught about 15 Principles of Strong Mission Partnerships, encouraging partnerships with churches in the Ryazan Oblast as well as sister church relationship with partners in West Virginia and other parts of the world. One pastor stated, "this is exactly what I have been praying God will develop in my church."

We completed our time in Ryazan, joining with Hope Church as they celebrated their 10th anniversary. We were part of a wonderful celebration that highlighted God's work in the past and brought a challenge for the work of God to continue in the years to come!

God is truly at work in Ryazan. What a joy to be part of this ministry with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Continue to pray for God's continued work through the many pastor and Christians in Ryazan.

(Pictures: Top left: Pastor Pavel Jirov, Creasy and Pastor Andrey Dorohov of Uklovo...Middle right: Faulkner, Creasy, Pastor Evgeny Andronov of Sasovo, Tatilyana, Natasha, and Vladimir Starodimod, deacon at Shatsk church... Bottom left: Faulkner, Pastor Andrey Balashaf of Ressurection Church in Ryazan and Pastor Pavel Jirov of Hope Church)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Joining God's Work in Russia!

Welcome to the Russia Mission Partnership Blog. The Russia Mission Partnership is a ministry of the West Virginia Baptist Convention, reaching out to the people of Ryazan, Russia with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are in Partnership with the Ryazan Baptist Union in strengthening the church in the Ryazan Region.

Come to this blog for ministry updates and details about each of the ministries